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Raissa Figueroa



Kelly DiPucchio


Raissa Figueroa


Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins




Oona and her best friend Otto love to search for treasure…and often find trouble instead.

Messy trouble.

Tricky trouble.

Even shark-related trouble.

That’s never stopped them before, though!

After all, no proper treasure hunt is without some adventure. But when the grandest treasure yet is stuck in a deep, dark rift, Oona’s not sure if she can dive right in. What might be waiting for her in those unknown waters?


★ "A recommended first purchase for all libraries and useful for social emotional learning, this title celebrates independence, self-confidence, and bravery to try the new even after defeat as Oona becomes aware of the true treasure in her personal effort."
—School Library Journal, starred review

"Brown-skinned Oona, who wears a magnificent Afro studded with bioluminescent wisps, floats through the ocean exuding the kind of upbeat confidence that should have readers asking for more."
—Publisher's Weekly

"A small heroine young readers will be happy to meet." —Kirkus Reviews

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